• Healthcare Providers Must Improve Quality!

    The marketplace is shifting to pay for performance and the quality of the services provided should always be a priority. Improving quality will improve customer satisfaction and referrals. Our program improves quality.
  • Healthcare Providers are Under Financial Siege!

    Pressures at the Federal, State and Commercial Health Insurance levels are to reduce payments for the services provided and/or share the risk of the costs involved with providing those services. Our program can improve your financial performance in order to survive these pressures.

Reasons to choose us

Experience A Solid Foundation

Over 30 years of financial performance management including 20+ years in healthcare. P&L improvements exceed $30 million for the healthcare institutions.

Quality is Key
Quality is Key There Is No Substitute

Every healthcare institution should place quality as its Number One goal just because it is the right thing to do. Healthcare institutions are incentivized by pay for performance measures and satisfied stakeholders will refer more patients producing future revenue. Our program improves or maintains quality while improving P&L.

Informatics It Drives Our Recommendations

Our core practitioners have over 30 years of cutting edge data management experience and understand how to build effective and timely decision making from that data. Our program capitalizes on this experience to benefit P&L and quality.

Contingency Based Fees
Contingency Based Fees Value Without Risk

Our fees are contingent upon our P&L Improvements being identified and implemented. We assume the risk of success.

Looking for more information?

Contact us today by filling out the form below.